Make like the Victorian’s: Spring Clean everything, especially the kitchen sink. Then reward yourself with another cup of tea.
Spring is the time when traditionally the grime from a winter of sooty fires, ash and dirt is scrubbed away. Carpets are beaten, curtains are washed. The season is welcomed with open arms and a very big CLEAN.
The nearest we managed to come to a carpet beater was the one we found in the dolls house (where there is a surprisingly well equipped utility room) but we were definitely able to come up with a sink full of the best looking ceramics.
Here is Simple Shape’s take on the domestic welcome to the new season.
Elbow grease essential
Just beat it
Make sure your equipment is in order and be prepared to apply the elbow grease. Anything less is half measures.
Tools of the trade (if you’re a two inch doll)
And when you’re done take a soak in the bath, get into bed with all your clothes on (make like a doll’s house doll, see below!), or simply put your feet up with a well earned cup of tea and enjoy the warming rays of spring sunshine.
Spit spot: [Doll’s house, made by Ron Hickman as a gift to his wife, Betty, in c. 1980]