photo credit: Tobby Wu



Tobby is taking over the Simple Shape Studio for an afternoon Spring Flower Bouquet workshop. Fascinated by the strange and curious and inspired by buildings and films Tobby’s style is absolutely unique.
Charlie from Studio Luxmore asked Tobby 5 questions recently, these are her answers. Bleakhouse is a space to watch, for sure!

Q 1. Tell us about your journey to becoming a florist

I was really into plants and was thinking of taking on a horticulture course, however, its a very long way to become a horticulturist/gardener. And then I found a florist course with a very affordable price and length of time, so I thought why not? and then of course I thought…ummm this is great fun! But I actually finished a horticulture course last year.

Q 2. How did you settle upon your floral aesthetic? 

Thank you! I’m not sure if it’s settled, it’s a very visual type of work and I think I want myself to explore more, to adapt more even. I like strange things, I collect strange things. These things fascinate me and I’m definitely not a minimalist. I guess I always look for the strange and curious parts in things, anything, in flowers and plants , in composition or in combinations. 

photo: Tobby Wu

Q 3. What’s the story behind your name Bleak House?

My husband was reading Bleak House every night before we go to bed, it was the time while I was taking the floristry course, I daydreamed about having my own business and thought this could be a great (gothic) name. I don’t really remember the story, I remember Mr. Guppy. 

Q 4. Where do you draw inspiration? 

V&A museum, Matisse paintings. Surrealism, Old photographs and buildings, stories, films and a good garden.

Q 5. What’s next for Bleak House? 

Hoping to work on diverse projects and collaborate with all sorts of creatives. And, grow lots more flowers.

photo: Tobby Wu

AllHelen Osgerby