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Just before the lockdown was imposed in March I took delivery of some linen aprons. I’ve been looking for the perfect apron for Simple Shape for a long, long time. This is the first ‘wearable’ thing I’ve stocked. I hadn’t photographed them and had been wondering the best way to do so.

Distractedly in the first week of April I took one of the aprons into the house, draped it over the chair in the kitchen, got absorbed in something else (school work?), the next time I came in I found that it had been picked up. Commandeered by someone in the house.

What follows is not a perfect set of carefully planned and lit images, but more of a truthful snap-shot of our aprons life. It has become an essential tool belt for cooking, for gardening, for woodwork, for DIY jobs, for art students. It has been shared around. It is a hard worker. It’s grubby and needs a wash.

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Conversations in an apron…[overheard at the kitchen table]…: “what will happen if I get acrylic paint on the apron…?”

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Conversations in an apron…[overheard by the shed]….: “I love having these pockets. Now that I have to wear these bloody glasses all the time and they’re up and down on my head I can’t tuck a pencil behind my ear anymore.”

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Conversations in an apron…[overheard in the garden]…: “I’ve lost the secateurs. Ah, actually I’ve got them. They’re in my pocket.”

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Conversations in an apron…[overheard by the hob]…: “hurry up and take the photo, the mixture is sticking to the bottom of the pan”

All, In SeasonHelen Osgerby